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Costume design for enchanted April

Posted on:2012-08-19Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:University of Maryland, College ParkCandidate:Schuller, Chelsey AFull Text:PDF
GTID:2451390008491820Subject:Design and Decorative Arts
The following thesis explores the costume design process and execution for the production Enchanted April. Included in this document is an explanation of the design approach, images from costume and character research, fabric swatches for constructed costumes, process photos and production photos. The production of Enchanted April studied in this paper was produced by the University of Maryland and opened on October 8, 2010. K.J. Sanchez directed the production, the set was designed by J.D. Madsen, the lighting was designed by Ariel Benjamin, and the sound was designed by Neil McFadden.
Keywords/Search Tags:Costume, Enchanted, Production
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