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Assessment of the practicality of reusing treated produced water from shallow gas wells of the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin

Posted on:2012-02-13Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Douglas, James WilliamFull Text:PDF
Alberta's oil and gas industry generates millions of cubic meters of produced water on an annual basis. The majority of this produced water is required by regulation to be re-injected back into the formations from which it came, either to enhance oil production or to maintain reservoir pressure; alternatively, this produced water is sent to Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB)-approved disposal wells. This paper aims to provide insight as to the potential to re-use produced water for a beneficial use within the water scarce area of southern Alberta. This paper will evaluate the treatment of produced water by electro-dialysis reversal and the various limiting factors that are encountered in regards to the current regulatory requirements, stakeholder and company acceptance, cost and the potential for liability associated with this practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Produced water
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