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Methodologie pour le controle longitudinal d'un avion avec contraintes de qualites de manoeuvrabilite (French text)

Posted on:2005-03-19Degree:M.Sc.AType:Thesis
University:Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Saussie, David AlexandreFull Text:PDF
A methodology is given in order to choose the gains of two longitudinal flight controls of a Bombardier Inc. aircraft while satisfying the handling qualities fixed by the manufacturer.; The first part of this project consists in analyzing the data and the two flight controls. Then a simple presentation of the handling qualities is made to familiarize the reader with them. Finally, a short introduction to the Guardians Maps is presented: they are scalar maps of gains or uncertain parameters that allow us to find set of values that place poles of our system within a region of the complex plane.; The second part is dedicated to the proposed guidelines. We explain first how to reduce our system to use more efficiently the Guardian Maps. Then we determine the gains that ensure a certain damping for some of the poles. Other handling qualities are fixed by another method. A graphical user interface makes things easier to use the methodology and to view instantly the results for given gains.; The research is closed by an extension of the methodology in order to make Gain Scheduling and to synthesize a robust controller against mass and/or center of gravity variations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gains, Methodology
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