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Shifts in production: Change in spatial correlation between hog and corn production

Posted on:2014-02-20Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Nebraska at OmahaCandidate:Fandry, Kevin ThomasFull Text:PDF
Combining statistical analysis with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) spatial visualization helps to identify specific locations of variability within a given statistically significant relationship. This study examines the relationship of hog production based upon corn production; measured through acres harvested, for given geographic areas. It attempts to identify specific locations that have shown significant changes in correlation between the two industries.;Production data for both industries was collected from 1930 to 2010, and joined with spatial data in a GIS to create a preliminary set of spatial visualizations to represent the expansion of each industry through time. This data were run through linear regression models to determine the overall significance of relationship between both industries at different points in time. A multiple regression model helped determine if any change occurred in slope or intercept between the starting and ending period. Residual values obtained from running the linear regression models where then brought into a GIS to be displayed in order to identify any instances of major outliers from the stated relationship.;The overall relationship between the hog and corn industries has not changed over time. The spatial visualizations do note specific areas that do not adhere to the established relationship, indicating changes in spatial correlation between the industries. The residual values for these areas indicate that they are the leading hog producers in the country.
Keywords/Search Tags:Spatial, Hog, Production, GIS, Industries, Correlation, Corn
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