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A qualitative analysis of risk perceptions and information needs of recreational shellfish harvesters

Posted on:2006-01-14Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Spence, Brenda DFull Text:PDF
The consumption of bivalve shellfish can pose risks to human health from pathogens and toxins that are concentrated in the shellfish. This research applied a qualitative grounded theory approach to determine harvest behaviors, the meaning of the harvest experience, knowledge of the consumption risks, the information sources utilized by harvesters and the risk abatement behaviors of harvesters. Sixteen harvesters on southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada were interviewed. Harvesters had a limited understanding of the risk of illness from shellfish consumption, and used individualized strategies to reduce the risks. Agencies that are responsible for the communication of shellfish consumption risks need to develop a comprehensive single source communication strategy that will meet the needs of all shellfish consumers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shellfish, Health, Harvesters, Consumption
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