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Evaluation of the potential for reuse of industrial wastewaters currently disposed of by deep well injection in Alberta

Posted on:2006-05-24Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Chen, YanFull Text:PDF
A study was undertaken involving the review of deep well injection practices of non-oilfield waste streams m Alberta. The overall objective of the study was to evaluate and report on chemical characteristics and disposal volumes of non-oilfield waste streams disposed of by deep well injection. Detailed records on disposal activities in Alberta were obtained from Alberta Energy and Utilities Board. These records included information taken from microfiche of original applications and approvals, and injection volume data for the wells.; A total of 37 Class Ia wells are currently being used for deep well disposal of a variety of non-oilfield waste streams in Alberta. The following preliminary recommendations were put forward for each of the wells: (1) Additional information needs to be collected on source characteristics and/or disposal rates to better assess their potential for treatment and reuse and (2) The potential of waste streams for treatment and reuse needs to be further investigated.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deep well injection, Waste, Alberta, Potential, Reuse
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