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Small business sustainability: Cleaner production in environmental management systems

Posted on:2006-03-20Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Wolnik, Christopher MarkFull Text:PDF
GTID:2451390005997726Subject:Business Administration
Small businesses play a significant role in a nation's wealth, collectively have a significant contribution to pollutant loadings and have the potential to make a significant contribution to a country's sustainable industry. Generally, small businesses in the industrialized world have a strong sense of good will toward sustainability. But how do they get there? Clean production strategies supported through environmental management systems are a means to minimize the environmental impacts of industrial development as well as reduce material and energy throughput.; The objective of this research is to determine whether small business 'early adopters' of environmental management systems (EMS) are embracing cleaner production strategies. By reviewing the status of EMS implementation in six industrialized countries an evaluation of the factors which influence adoption of clean production for small business is also conducted. Finally, various strategies are explored to help encourage more small businesses to move towards sustainability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Small business, Environmental management systems, Sustainability, Cleaner production
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