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Landslides Caused by the 8/15/2007 Pisco, Peru (Mw = 7.9) Earthquake: A Case Study

Posted on:2013-07-27Degree:Master'Type:Thesis
University:University of WashingtonCandidate:Diercksen, Jennifer KFull Text:PDF
The first part of this thesis describes the different landsliding modes observed in the affected area, and the parameters that affect landsliding susceptibility: ground motion, geology, geomorphology, slope, slope, slope aspect, ecological region, precipitation, proximity to rivers, and presence of roads or roadcuts. Three main landsliding regions are identified: the Paracas Peninsula, the Coastal Plains, and the Andes Mountains. For each region, the typical landsliding mode is described, as well as the specific parameters which contribute to landsliding susceptibility.;The second part of this paper attempts to determine whether several proposed landslide frequency-volume or earthquake magnitude-volume relationships are valid for the Pisco landsliding event, and whether any of them can be used to upscale the inventory; i.e. account for missing small-volume landslides.
Keywords/Search Tags:Landsliding
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