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Bayamon Station and its surroundings: Desirable characteristics needed to attract non-metropolitan potential riders

Posted on:2005-06-20Degree:M.B.AType:Thesis
University:University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico)Candidate:Lacourt Pares, MarielFull Text:PDF
GTID:2450390008495002Subject:Business Administration
The economy of the Metropolitan Area is partially dependent on those that are constantly traveling to and through this zone. The literature gathered from eight different rapid transit systems shows that currently none of these systems use marketing strategies to attract non-metropolitan (outer population) potential riders due to geographical factors. Puerto Rico's Tren Urbano (TU) needs to target outer populations because the small size of the island increases the possibility of having more riders and satisfied customers.; The main objective of this thesis is to study the perception that outer populations have of the Tren Urbano and public transportation in general. The facilities and surroundings of the Bayamon Station were evaluated in order to see if it will satisfy outer population's expectations. Subsequently, marketing strategy recommendations for outer populations are provided, which can be implemented in the actual market plan of the TU in order to maximize the publicity potential of operating this new service.
Keywords/Search Tags:Potential
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