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Developing customer focus with customer loyalty plan for a cytopathology laboratory

Posted on:2007-07-24Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:California State University, Dominguez HillsCandidate:Nejkauf, Katharine AFull Text:PDF
GTID:2449390005972085Subject:Business Administration
In today's competitive marketplace, most cytopathology laboratories are challenged to retain their market share and remain profitable. Successful cytopathology laboratories must comply with numerous regulations to ensure patient safety and highest standard of care. In addition, cytology laboratories need to develop a better focus on customer needs, and improve customer loyalty, to be able to compete on the economic platform for their customers, ensure laboratory's growth and long-term success. Attracting and retaining qualified, licensed, and experienced cytology professionals, is paramount to the laboratory's success. Furthermore, motivated, reliable, and personable staff is crucial to winning the loyalty of customers. This project was undertaken to provide a cytopathology laboratory with a comprehensive outline for developing better customer focus with the loyalty plan. These guidelines can assist the cytopathology laboratory in improving customer focus, developing employee and customer loyalty, preventing customer loss, and developing a loyalty-driven culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cytopathology, Customer, Developing
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