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University student perceptions regarding agriculture and names of agricultural faculties and departments of agribusiness

Posted on:2007-03-11Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Buchanan, Ryan JamesFull Text:PDF
Enrollment in many faculties, colleges, schools and programs of agriculture in universities across North America has appeared to be in decline for the better part of the last two decades. Factors that may have influenced this decline may be the perception that students hold regarding agriculture and names of agriculture faculties and agricultural economics and agribusiness departments. As a result the three objectives of this thesis are to: (1) examine university students' perception of agriculture, (2) examine the perceptions that university students hold regarding the names of agriculture faculties, (3) examine the perceptions that university students hold regarding the names of agribusiness and agricultural economics departments. In order to achieve these objectives, a survey questionnaire was used and consisted of Likert scale and ranking questions. The resulting data from the survey was then used to create an ordered probit model and a factor analysis model, as well as providing descriptive statistics.;The findings of this thesis indicate that students have a positive perception of agriculture. The results also show that students prefer agriculture faculty names that make reference to agriculture, science and agribusiness. Furthermore, a factor analysis model revealed student perceptions of specific opportunities and concerns related to agriculture. These preferences are important to faculty stakeholders whose faculties have names that make reference to agriculture, as they may significantly influence student enrollment decisions. Finally, this thesis determined that students prefer an agricultural economics and agribusiness department name that makes reference to the program being applicable to the students' career.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agriculture, Faculties, Agribusiness, Agricultural, Student, Names, University, Regarding
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