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Assessing communication affects on employee retention

Posted on:2007-07-26Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of South AlabamaCandidate:Grubb, Penny LFull Text:PDF
GTID:2449390005968957Subject:Business Administration
This study sought to examine employees' attitudes towards internal communication aspects, the flow of communication within the organization, and the employees' overall feelings towards the company. The study was designed to determine which areas, if any, the company could focus on improving, with the ultimate goal of lowering the employee turnover rate through more satisfied employees.;A local manufacturing company allowed the researcher to conduct this study on the condition the company name would remain anonymous. The sample included 316 employees, resulting in an 80 percent response rate thus providing extensive feedback for the company.;The outcome of the surveys provided the company immediate feedback to know exactly which areas their employees believed the company was performing well in, as well as the areas of potential improvement. In the long term, this study will enable the company to have a benchmark to use when measuring employee relations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Employee, Communication, Company
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