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Evaluation des effets proximaux du programme de prevention Vers le Pacifique administre a des enfants de maternelle

Posted on:2007-11-28Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Vadeboncoeur, JulieFull Text:PDF
The acquisition of social skills represents a fundamental stake in children's social development as well as a prime target for initiatives in the prevention of aggressive behaviors. One of these initiatives, a program called Vers le Pacifique, looks particularly promising since it promotes a nonviolent method of conflict resolution along with mediation amongst peers. This research is meant to evaluate the ongoing effects of implementing the program Vers le Pacifique with kindergarten childrens.; First, special attention is brought to the comprehension of the etiology of children's aggressive behaviors, individual as well as family and social factors are therefore identified. This thesis also examines with a critical eye programs that promote the acquisition of social skills by children from 5 to 12 years old.; Finally, an evaluation of the program Vers le Pacifique will be introduced. Repercussions of the program are measured on a popularity level and by pro-social behaviors, and aversive and social withdrawal by the children. Furthermore this research will examine the impact of children's sex and teachers' attitudes on the program's efficacy. Data are collected from the standpoint of teachers, peers, and external observers. The evaluation introduces two groups (experimental and control) and three periods for measurement (pre-test, post-test and follow-up). Results indicate that there is indeed an effect of the implementation of the program on kindergarten childrens, more specifically, on how they propose strategies to resolve conflicts and sharing behaviors. Follow-up data show an impact of the program Vers le Pacifique on popularity and prosocial behaviors. Also, administration of this program inhibits cheating behaviors. However, no effect on aggressiveness and social withdrawal by the children was revealed by this research. In other respects, the children's sex does not seem to bring moderate effects on the program. On the other hand, teachers' attitudes seem to play an important role on the impacts created by the program Vers le Pacifique.; This research indicates that the program Vers le Pacifique is beneficial to the development of social skills with kindergarten children for girls and boys altogether. This research also indicates that special attention should be given to the teacher's attitudes while implementing this type of program. Processes that can potentiate the impact of the program Vers le Pacifique on aggressiveness and children's social withdrawal still needs to be explored.
Keywords/Search Tags:Le pacifique, Vers le, Program, Social, Children's, Evaluation
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