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The Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement: Tremendous benefits - why the impasse

Posted on:2010-12-26Degree:M.A.L.SType:Thesis
University:Georgetown UniversityCandidate:Kim, PeterFull Text:PDF
GTID:2449390002978708Subject:Political science
This thesis analyzes the arguments for and against the Korea-United States Free Trade Agreement also referred to as the 'KORUS FTA.' With the seemingly numerous benefits to the consumers, businesses and other people in both the United States and South Korea, why is this bilateral trade accord still stuck in the U.S. Congress and South Korean National Assembly? Although political leaders (e.g., the U.S. and South Korean presidents), trade negotiators and other relevant leaders and officials have strongly argued and promoted its benefits, the question of why it has not passed the legislatures of both nations is something that needs to be addressed. In order to answer this important question, I analyzed the legislative impasse and reasons behind it from an American and South Korean perspective. Also, I believe that the citizens of the United States and South Korea do not have a full understanding of why it is important for the KORUS FTA to be approved by both nations' legislatures and how they can benefit in the long-run. This thesis concludes by recommending what can be done in order to overcome opposition in each nation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trade, Benefits
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