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A focused audit of family centered practice within Families First Edmonton

Posted on:2010-05-03Degree:M.NType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Pedersen, DenaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2449390002472759Subject:Social work
Community based intervention studies pose unique problems for the monitoring and maintaining of intervention fidelity. The purpose of this study was to investigate if the Families First Edmonton Project adhered to the delivery of the practice principle, family centered service, across the service integration intervention.Future practice, education and research should focus on reviewing and utilizing a participatory intervention model for intervention development, implementation and fidelity monitoring as well as further testing the FFE Audit Checklist.Using an exploratory mixed methods design to develop the FFE Audit Checklist, a thematic analysis was performed that found that the FFE Study had an overall low fidelity (59%) to the delivery of family centered service. The analysis also found that there was great variation in adherence to family centered service across the service integration groups and that there was almost equal representation of participatory and relational practices found in the case notes data.
Keywords/Search Tags:Family centered, Practice, Audit
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