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The effects of fiscal reforms on economic growth in Chinese provinces: 1985--2007

Posted on:2011-07-11Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Nevada, RenoCandidate:Wang, XingchenFull Text:PDF
Fiscal reforms have played an important role in China's development for the last thirty years. This paper mainly examines the effects of fiscal decentralization on China's provincial growth. Through constructing indicators for revenue and expenditure decentralization respectively, regression results indicate that they are both positively affecting economic growth in Chinese provinces. Along with the rapid development, the inequality issue has drawn much concern that fiscal reforms have indirectly hindered China's even regional growth. Another model is set up to support this conclusion. However, as a distinct form of inequality, poverty has been largely alleviated in this process. Especially in the reform era of China, the absolute number of poverty population has declined dramatically.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fiscal, Reforms, Growth
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