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Green job training, creation, and politics

Posted on:2011-04-06Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York Empire State CollegeCandidate:Mahns, Emily RoseFull Text:PDF
The many problems that pollution and ecological degradation create for nations across the world are having a negative, magnified impact on the environment. The lack of laws to support sustainable living illustrate the imminent danger facing the earth if changes are not made swiftly and effectively. In this series of related papers I will discuss the origins and impact that going green has had on American educational facilities, the impact on the current workforce, as well as the interplay of green politics and the impact thereof on American sustainability labor success. The hypothesis of this series is that green job growth will continue to expand if America's institutions of higher education continue to take steps to properly prepare students to meet the requirements of obtaining and performing the duties of a green job. I will examine the data that proves that stimulus programs and tax incentives provided to companies and individuals who are willing to go green with their construction, have a direct effect on green job creation. This series will continue with a discussion of the belief that the ideologies of green politics have great influence on the potential to change the globe environmentally. I will conclude each paper with the different debates that had been discussed in that paper and, finally, I will validate the theory of the thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Green job, Impact
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