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A reactive behavioural model for context-aware semantic devices

Posted on:2008-11-18Degree:DrType:Thesis
University:Universidad de Deusto (Spain)Candidate:Vazquez Gomez, Juan IgnacioFull Text:PDF
Our environment is being populated by an increasing number of digital devices. Even traditional objects are being substituted by their electronic versions, demanding more skills from users.;The amount of intelligence in these devices does not match the pace at which they are being disseminated through our lives. This situation leads to interaction problems with the environment, since the user is the sole responsible for contextualising the information and solving cooperation problems between devices; that is, the user is the intelligence provider. One of the major consequences of this situation is that people are continuously disturbed and required to configure, operate and interact with these devices.;We deem that digital objects shall be more intelligent, autonomous, and able to share, interpret and reason upon exchanged information to release users from part of these activities.;In this thesis, we propose a model for knowledge sharing between devices and for representing their behaviour in a way that promotes autonomous context-aware reactivity. In our approach, we bring Semantic Web technologies to the Ubiquitous Computing world in order to provide the means for collaboratively transforming data into knowledge and enabling intelligent reasoning mechanisms.;The model leads to a decentralised architecture where devices spontaneously discover each other, share context information, perform reasoning and adapt their behaviour dynamically in order to create a feel for Ambient Intelligence in the environment. In order to validate our approach we have identified some evaluation criteria and developed a number of prototypes that were deployed in experimental scenarios. The results of our research may contribute to pave the way for a new wave of social digital objects that we denominate semantic devices.
Keywords/Search Tags:Devices, Semantic, Digital, Objects, Model
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