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Unintended consequences of ICT implementations in healthcare

Posted on:2007-05-19Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Cartmel, Valerie JaneFull Text:PDF
GTID:2448390005470776Subject:Health Sciences
This study focuses on what Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) can learn from assessing the positive and negative unintended consequences of information communication technology (ICT) implementations to help understand the determinants of successful ICT implementations. Any implementation of new ICT initiatives changes the usual or expected workflow in a healthcare setting. Similarly, many expected improvements to patient care and patient safety result in both good and unforeseen changes that may limit effectiveness or provide unanticipated benefits. A purposive sample of experienced ICT users participated in one-on-one interviews and a focus group session. Participants identified four key areas that would support ICT success: early end-user engagement, meaningful training and support, broad communication strategies, and consistent outcome evaluation. The organization needs to employ change management strategies to ensure consistent consideration of these human factors to support future ICT success.
Keywords/Search Tags:ICT, Implementations
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