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Automated testing framework: The concept

Posted on:2008-11-16Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Jindal, MrudulaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2448390005462082Subject:Computer Science
The thesis details the Automated Software Testing process by using a framework called the Automated Testing Framework. The automated Testing Framework was designed and developed to facilitate the process of automated software testing. It is a tool to help professionals in the Information Technology field to access, control and manage the process of automated testing in a more efficient manner.;The concept is to build a tool that enables non-technical personnel to build and execute test automation without any programming knowledge. The framework is for automated script processing and has been designed with a flexible approach for maximum coverage on the software application. At the same time the utility will enable to facilitate the process for Software Testing Professionals and allow them to work in a more efficient manner.;This thesis will focus on the design and concept behind the automation-testing framework. In particular, how it will benefit the process and also concentrate on future enhancements.
Keywords/Search Tags:Testing, Process, Concept
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