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Elaboration et validation d'un modele systemique pour developper la cooperation dans une equipe constituee d'acteurs heterogenes

Posted on:2009-05-18Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Universite de Sherbrooke (Canada)Candidate:Doucet, PatrikFull Text:PDF
This thesis addresses the problem of the development of cooperation within the work teams. The literature review emphasizes that they are typically confronted with communication difficulties, problems of mistrust and power games. These difficulties undermine their cooperation. However, the usual strategies to support the cooperation (to let it emerge, teach it, to prescribe methods, behaviours and attitudes support) do not allow answer the following question: how can one develop the cooperation within a team?;The findings confirmed the effectiveness of the model to understand in what mutual comprehension is an important difficulty and how the strategy of meaning negotiation helps to counter it. In the same way, it arises that the member's participation legitimacy seems to influence their trust, to encourage the discovery of their identities, to support their apprenticeship of cooperation. The developed model could be useful to a project manager wishing to develop the cooperation in a team. It could also be useful for the formation, just as to begin new research.;Keywords: cooperation, communication, trust, cognitive processes, team, group dynamics, communities of practice, systemic modeling;This research proposes a systemic model of the development of the cooperation. It borrows concepts from various fields: communication, trust dynamics, cognitive processes, group dynamics and communities of practice. Considering the extent of the investigated fields, the complete validation of the model exceeded the objectives of a doctoral research. Nevertheless, the study on the ground, similar to an action-research, made it possible to start its validation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cooperation, Validation, Model
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