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Immersive Projection: A Case Study on the Duke Chapel Interio

Posted on:2019-10-04Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Duke UniversityCandidate:Hung, Ju-YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2448390002959972Subject:Art history
In my thesis, I explore the potential of projection mapping for storytelling by using Duke Chapel interior as an example. Through the investigation of what filmmaker Frederick Backer calls "Projectionism," I focus on the "projectile" (image) and "receiver" (surface) of contemporary projection mapping and analyze two case studies. Additionally, I consider the relationship between memory and architecture. Drawing on the Duke University Archives, I selected Duke's West Campus style as the basis for the construction of a storyline for my digital project.;Duke Chapel's crossing serves as the project's main canvas and to the thesis outlines the process of constructing a scale model of the Chapel's crossing through photogrammetry, 3D modeling, and 3D printing technologies. Finally, I discuss the various strategies I used to tell the story of the choice of Collegiate Gothic for the architectural style of Duke's West Campus and argue for projection-mapping as a powerful method of showing and telling.
Keywords/Search Tags:Duke, Projection
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