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Navigating through the Magellan Pro robot

Posted on:2011-10-18Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and ArtCandidate:Sudano, Michael DarrenFull Text:PDF
A Magellan Pro robot was taken from a state of disrepair and transformed into a working, modern robot platform. This transformation included the addition of a new hard drive, operating system and new robot control software. In order to assess the practicality of doing such repairs on an as-needed basis on old Magellan robots, as opposed to purchasing new, comparable or better, robot systems, an iRobot Create was purchased, evaluated and compared on the bases of features and price. It was determined that repairing a non-functioning (within reason) Magellan Pro, especially given the probable heavy initial investment in the machine, is the best course of action, even despite Create's relatively low price tag.In addition to the above exploration, it is hoped that this thesis might serve as a troubleshooting and repair guide of sorts, for those struggling with an old Magellan Pro robot in need of repair, since the machine is neither sold nor supported anymore.
Keywords/Search Tags:Magellan pro, Robot
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