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Effects of video-conferencing on gaze behavior and communication

Posted on:2011-03-02Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Rochester Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Bohannon, Leanne SFull Text:PDF
GTID:2448390002457754Subject:Speech communication
Through the use of eye-tracking and conversation analysis this study examined the impact of video-conferencing on communication. Paired participants performed a collaborative task over four communication media: face-to-face desktop video-conferencing with eye contact and life-size video-conferencing with and without eye contact. Participants more frequently checked the information their partner verbally relayed when communicating face-to-face and over life-size video-conferencing with eye contact. They also looked more at their partner when conversing over life-size video-conferencing with eye contact compared to the other conditions. The results imply that the mode across which we communicate does influence our verbal and non-verbal interactions but that people still prefer to talk face-to-face.
Keywords/Search Tags:Video-conferencing
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