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Health as a bridge to peace: CISEPO as a case study

Posted on:2007-03-09Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Scolnik, DennisFull Text:PDF
GTID:2446390005470548Subject:Health Sciences
This thesis examines the hypothesis that narrowly focussed health-for-peace projects have a greater chance of success than broadly-based undertakings, acknowledging that the measures used may be different in each case. A conceptual understanding of health being more than the absence of disease and peace more than the absence of war is outlined by reviewing literature in health, philosophy and international relations. A case-study of the Canada International Scientific Exchange Program (CISEPO) was undertaken to investigate the hypothesis. Key workers representing planners and frontline workers from each arena of CISEPO's activities in the Middle East and Canada were interviewed. Their views revealed agreement that both narrow and broad understandings of health and peace were vital but not necessarily self-exclusive as originally suggested. Features unique to CISEPO's activities are highlighted, and both its work and the concept of broad and narrow definitions are examined in the light of the world literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Health, Peace
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