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Contemporary patterns of democratic norms and political participation in Mexico

Posted on:2009-05-02Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of North TexasCandidate:Ramsey, Adam PerryFull Text:PDF
GTID:2446390005459542Subject:Political science
Mexico's cultural norms have been the subject of repeated inquiries because democratic and authoritarian patterns appear concomitantly. However, few have focused on the potential demographic and contextual sources of these divergent results. This study attempts to clarify the sources of Mexico's political culture, and then determine the extent to which these factors affect political participation. Statistical analysis of a LAPOP dataset from 2006 makes limited progress to this end. The sources of Mexican political culture remain somewhat a mystery, although some intriguing results were found. Most notably, demographic traits appear to have little influence on political culture variables and political participation rates in Mexico. In fact, political culture norms and political participation appears consistent across Mexico's infamous social and economic lines.
Keywords/Search Tags:Political participation, Norms
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