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REDACTED: A look at the United States government system for classifying and releasing information and how the current state of legal and procedural quagmire might be improved

Posted on:2008-09-05Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Colorado at BoulderCandidate:Spiegel, Richard WilliamFull Text:PDF
The United States government's information management and disclosure policy has existed, in its current form, for over sixty years. During this period no less than six official governmental committees and numerous scholars have consistently pointed out the same shortcomings yet little has changed.; Classification policy is dictated by presidential executive order and only tenuously linked to constitutional or other legal authority.; Few would argue that some information needs to be kept secret in order to protect national security yet, the debate rages over how to properly balance this need with the right to know that forms the bedrock of a democratic system.; REDACTED explores the historical and legal background of classification policy, examines criticisms of the system and looks at an alternative in another established democracy. Finally, alternative policy options are suggest that might better balance the tenets of democracy with the need for national security.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information, Policy, System, Legal
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