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Factors affecting the impact of invasive mussels on native freshwater mussels

Posted on:2008-05-15Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Jokela, AnneliFull Text:PDF
Biological invasions are among the leading causes of species diversity loss; however, the impacts of invasion are context-dependent and can vary with the local environment. The mechanisms governing variation in impact and their relationship to specific abiotic and biotic factors remain largely unexplored. Recent local declines in native unionid mussels have been attributed to the invasion of North American lakes and rivers by the Eurasian zebra mussel ( Dreissena polymorpha), as a result of intense fouling of unionid shells by zebra mussels. My research investigated the role of abiotic and biotic factors in mediating the impact of zebra mussels on native mussels. I examined the impact of zebra mussels on unionids in a habitat thought to be suboptimal for zebra mussels and compared this to the impact observed in other invaded habitats. A predictive model relating fouling intensity to local environmental variables (calcium concentration, sediment particle size) was developed, and a predator-exclusion experiment was conducted to investigate the role of predation in mediating fouling intensity. Overall, I found that two abiotic factors of the local environment were significant predictors of fouling intensity and that relationships used to predict the impact of zebra mussels could be extended to a broader range of habitats.
Keywords/Search Tags:Impact, Mussels, Factors, Native
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