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G. Lynn Nelson's 'Writing and Being': Japanese translation and analysis

Posted on:2008-11-12Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Arizona State UniversityCandidate:Matsuzaki, YokoFull Text:PDF
Among the many writing instruction books published both in the U.S. and in Japan, there aren't many books concerned with the healing and growing of our inner being through writing. G. Lynn Nelson's Writing and Being is one such having this value. Wishing for Japanese readers to share this valuable experience, I initiated the translation of this book in this thesis.In conclusion, the above examination resulted in manifesting the most distinctive difference between English and Japanese. While English is noun-centered, Japanese is a verb-centered language.Because the different way of thinking in English and Japanese is reflected in the language, the translation has to employ a different sentence construction to achieve equivalence. This thesis, therefore, examined theories of translation and the characteristics of English and Japanese from the translation point of view, demonstrating the translation methodologies employed for Writing and Being. Those methodologies focused on several grammatical categories.
Keywords/Search Tags:Writing, Translation, Japanese
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