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Teacher perceptions of the Ohio Graduation Test

Posted on:2008-03-09Degree:M.EdType:Thesis
University:Miami UniversityCandidate:Yeckel, Paul N., IIIFull Text:PDF
As a result of enhanced accountability initiatives from legislation such as The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, there is an increased need for teachers to learn effective practices. This paper discusses survey results from three groups of Southwest Ohio high school teachers to determine their current preparation and motivational techniques and professional opinions regarding the Ohio Graduation Test, a benchmark for determining a school district's academic rating. Groups were assigned participants based on their school district's performance as rated by the Ohio Department of Education. Results indicated differing opinions as to what techniques are effective in preparing and motivating students in each of the three groups. A discussion of what these results suggest in terms of improving or maintaining academic achievement is included. Proposals for future study are presented.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ohio
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