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Factors influencing gay men's anti-feminine prejudice

Posted on:2009-10-28Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Arizona State UniversityCandidate:Rivera, Richard OFull Text:PDF
A structural equation modeling approach was used to examine the effect of recalled childhood girl-typed behaviors, parental acceptance of girl-typed behaviors, disclosure of sexual orientation, and internalized homophobia on anti-feminine prejudice among 622 gay men. An attempt was made to have a diverse sample. Most responded through a web-based survey, while others were sampled through Arizona Central Pride festival and homophile organizations, as well as Phoenix gay bars.; Confirmatory factor analyses indicated that all scales had strong underlying general factors. Based on the structural model among the general factors, internalized homophobia had a positive relationship with anti-feminine prejudice, which was partially mediated through disclosure of sexual orientation. Disclosure of sexual orientation had a negative relationship with gay men's anti-feminine prejudice. Recalled childhood girl-typed behavior had a small direct and indirect negative effect on anti-feminine prejudice. Overall, the study contributes to the understanding of anti-feminine prejudice in gay men.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anti-feminine prejudice, Gay, Factors
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