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Demystification and transmutation: Neo-Pagan witchcraft in the 21st centur

Posted on:2007-10-20Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Concordia University (Canada)Candidate:Koulakis, BillFull Text:PDF
This paper will explore the origins and progression of the Neo-Pagan Witchcraft movement, as well as provide the teachings, beliefs, practices, social structure and definition of this New Religion. This paper will also deal with the relationship of Neo-Pagan witchcraft and technology, that has given rise to the Techno-Pagan, the latest addition into the Modern Witchcraft fold. The Techno Pagan serves as the ideal example of the spiritual movement into Cyberspace and highlights the increasing trend of artificial technologies, animism and the social implications of this environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Neo-pagan witchcraft
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