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Hegemonic aspects of the institutionalisation of the French language

Posted on:2009-10-14Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillCandidate:Phillips, KarunaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2445390005457285Subject:Political science
In a nation based on the principles of assimilation as opposed to integration, ethnic enclaves of minority languages and ever increasing tensions resulting from immigration pose a direct threat to hegemonic cultural values. Following the end of World War Two in particular, France has gone through an aggressively progressive institutionalisation of the French language. The education system, specific legislature and the creation of language-monitoring bodies are all play a role. This trend has maintained a somewhat inverse relationship with increasing supra-national legislation. Part of the reason for this inclination can be explained by the ideology behind the capitalism and democracy systems, namely due to the idea of commoditisation.
Keywords/Search Tags:French language
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