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Nature's lesson: A pedagogical architecture fostering ecological responsibility

Posted on:2008-11-13Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Scott, AndreaFull Text:PDF
As the world evolves, our natural resources are depleting at an alarming rate, while our needs for fossil fuels and generated energy only continue to increase. As North Americans, the current way of living will require a drastic overhaul in the next ten to twenty years and as designers of spaces and places, we are the key to the evolution of how society and nature need to join together to improve the environment.; In order to respond to future insufficiencies, we must rethink architectural responses and incorporate learning lessons in our buildings that will inform society on how to better coexist with nature and its resources. Our children are the future and with them lies the key to saving the environment, thus embedding their daily activities and education into resource efficient and ecologically sensitive buildings and sites will provide them with the tools to develop a generation with a lighter footprint.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nature
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