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Latent traces: Architectural strategies for the former Halifax Power Plant

Posted on:2008-12-17Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Mandville, Jonathan JamesFull Text:PDF
This thesis focuses on the reading and interpretation of post-programmed sites in order to understand the visual and non-visual traces that they express. A strategy of using these traces to manifest into programmatic reinterpretation is explored. The design decisions will be based on the potential of these traces to translate into new interventions. The architectural site to test this theory is the currently derelect portion of the old Halifax Power Plant on Lower Water Street in downtown Halifax, Canada. The thesis proposes various interventions to the building and the surrounding site conditions in order to stitch this dorment monument back into the urban fabric.
Keywords/Search Tags:Traces, Halifax
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