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Equipoise: An animated short film about positiveness and negativity

Posted on:2018-04-27Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:Rochester Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Koo, Gung-KaiFull Text:PDF
Equipoise is an animated short about positiveness, negativity and the opposite but complementary relationship between them. The two opposite attitudes of an individual's personality not only affect but also establish emotions, decisions and behaviors. Positiveness reinforces positive thinking while pessimistic assumptions and hardship are driven by negativity. A person who has an imbalanced mind may live in pain or lead to high risks.;To have a great mental condition, both positiveness and negativity have to be involved to establish the balance. However, the importance of negativity, in one case, pessimism was frequently ignored as a result of education that focuses on positiveness or optimism for most of the time. The animated short Equipoise depicts the complementarity of two forces and introduces the concept of balance from an objective standpoint. The two forces are balancing for different circumstances and no matter who is leading, the other is always supporting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Animated short, Positiveness, Negativity
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