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Standing at the crossroads of progress and pessimism: HIV/AIDS coverage in African American magazines and its relevance for female readers

Posted on:2010-09-22Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The University of IowaCandidate:Peterson, Ashley ShielsFull Text:PDF
African American women's HIV incidence rates are disproportionately higher than other population groups in the United States. Social cognitive theory concepts were used to perform a quantitative content analysis of the magazines Essence, Ebony, and Jet, which are sources of health information and vicarious learning, to evaluate the quality of the HIV/AIDS prevention messages for 2000 to 2006. The data reveal some positive reflection of health messages, but many articles focus more on dramatic risk factors and less on providing useful information and proposed behaviors for African American women. Environmental risks and gender-specific risks are not emphasized. The public health community should use the media messages that are already present to build a media advocacy campaign that provides more comprehensive information and bring about social change.
Keywords/Search Tags:American
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