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'A work in progress': The Shostakovich cello sonata, op. 40 in revision

Posted on:2011-03-20Degree:D.M.AType:Thesis
University:University of WashingtonCandidate:Lee, So-YoungFull Text:PDF
A beloved staple of the cello repertoire, the Cello Sonata in D Minor, Op. 40 by Dmitri Shostakovich, has enjoyed a long history of performance since its composition in 1934. The work exists in three editions published during the composer's life, and two known recordings with Shostakovich at the piano. The work appears in a critical edition, performer editions, and several posthumous editions.Significant as well as minor differences exist between these many versions, including the three sanctioned by Shostakovich, the first appearing in 1935 (Leningrad: Triton Publishers), the second in 1960 (Muzgiz or "State Music Publishers"), and the third in 1971 (Moscow: Muzyka or "State Music Publishers," edited by Kubatsky). Numerous differences exist in these sources with regard to tempi, dynamics, articulation, pitch, timbre, etc. Thus, these three editions afford one an insight into the composer's lived experience of the work over a period of forty years, and his process of revision.The current study presents a publication history of the sonata, and undertakes a close comparison of these variant editions and performances, with the aim of identifying the differences and illuminating the effect the changes have upon the work, both with regard to matters of cello technique and those of expressivity and "meaning." My working thesis as to the reasons for the changes Shostakovich made is that he responded to the suggestions made by performers of the work, especially the cellists Kubatsky and Rostropovich, as well as to his own interpretative insights and rethinking of the work. The topic also raises the interesting question of which, if any, of the various edition can be considered "definitive" or authoritative. Presumably, the third edition represents the composer's last thoughts on the work, and is the result of some 35 years of experience performing, hearing, and contemplating the work. Thus, are we cellists obliged to perform from this version, or are we free to perform from the earlier editions, or even "mix and match" elements from the different versions?...
Keywords/Search Tags:Shostakovich, Work, Cello, Sonata, Editions
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