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The use of a functional, supported falsetto in tenor Faecher

Posted on:2011-12-06Degree:D.M.AType:Thesis
University:University of HoustonCandidate:Smith, Tyler HowellFull Text:PDF
Spectra of six professional tenor voices, of various Facher , singing B-flat 4 in supported falsetto, unsupported falsetto, and head voice registers were analyzed. Quantitative data were derived by measuring the relative decibel level of the F0 as well as the relative decibel levels and formant frequencies of F1 through F5 produced by each of the singers in the control group. The lightest voice of the tenor subjects, the Leggiero, showed no appreciable difference in relative dB levels when singing in unsupported falsetto, supported falsetto, and head voice. The heavier voices showed a clear distinction between the three types of phonation. Although a singer's formant was not evident in all of the subjects while singing in supported falsetto, noticeable differences in F2 were evident in the larger voices in supported falsetto and head voice. The results also determined a need for the Lyric, Spinto and Heldentenor to use vowel modification in supported falsetto register as an effective device in achieving mid-line approximation on the higher pitches, such as B4 and C5. Additional research into laryngeal proprioception and its relationship to registration is warranted.
Keywords/Search Tags:Supported falsetto, Tenor, Voice
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