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Changing our society's paradigm from economic wealth to wellbeing: Formal analysis and an utopian model

Posted on:2011-07-03Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York Empire State CollegeCandidate:Van Engel, JacquesFull Text:PDF
The overall subject of my studies is wellbeing. After acquiring a better understanding about the notion of happiness and how it can be measured, it quickly became clear how deeply rooted the tendency is, to equate life's purpose with accumulating wealth. The goal of this paper is to describe a society that would swap our existing paradigm based on money for a paradigm based on wellbeing, and a "dramatization" was written about a hypothetical utopian society that would embrace this. In a way, such a "dramatization" demonstrates and perhaps transcends a rational "recipe" of policy points for constructing a society. The analysis below first outlines the rationale for producing this "dramatization", followed by a description of the proposed utopian world. Finally some comparisons between the proposed model society and other utopian and real societies to be found in the literature are made.
Keywords/Search Tags:Utopian, Society, Wellbeing, Paradigm
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