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Three essays in the economics of health and disability

Posted on:2011-07-08Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Trent University (Canada)Candidate:Zhou, LuyaoFull Text:PDF
This thesis is comprised of three essays in empirical health and labour economics. Each uses data from the National Health Interview Survey to study the work-disabling effects of a particular disease. The first and second essays similarly study the effects of arthritis and diabetes, respectively. The results shed new light on how the extent of realized disability depends on the nature of the work being performed, and how education, by allowing access to different occupations, may serve to mitigate the welfare effects of disease. The third essay studies how the work-disabling effects of cancer have changed over time. The results suggest that, in spite of recent improvements in detection and treatment, the negative effects of the disease on labour market outcomes are not declining.;Key Words: work disability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Essays, Health, Effects
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