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An investigation into the group process of jazz improvisation: A qualitative approach

Posted on:2011-02-10Degree:M.MType:Thesis
University:The William Paterson University of New JerseyCandidate:Campbell, Fraser AFull Text:PDF
This study explores the creative processes of a jazz group as they improvise together in a particular instance of performance of a specific composition. Using qualitative research methods that involve two forms of retrospective verbal data from the participants as well as musical observations from the researcher, the study provides both broad and specific insights into the group's creative processes while performing. The group were video-taped playing the piece and were interviewed afterwards for their immediate thoughts. In a later interview, the video data from the performance was presented to the participants as a catalyst to jog their memories. Themes that particularly stood out from this study include the idea of a sense of group flow and the concept of dynamic roles and shifting hierarchies. The merits and validity of the research method itself were also a significant theme---especially the use of video as a catalyst for retrospective analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Creative processes
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