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An Exhibition on Cheerful Privacies Three Landscapes for Tape and Live Performers Including Mezzo-Soprano, Bb Clarinet, and Percussion

Posted on:2011-01-19Degree:D.M.AType:Thesis
University:University of CincinnatiCandidate:Walker, Tyler BradleyFull Text:PDF
'This document consists of three-musical landscapes totaling seventeen minutes in length. The music is written for a combination of mezzo-soprano, Bb clarinet, percussion and tape. One distinguishing characteristic of this music, apart from an improvisational quality, involves habituating the listener through consistent dynamics; the result is a timbrally-diverse droning. Overall, pops, clicks, drones, and resonances converge into a direct channel of aural noise.;One of the most unique characteristics of visual art is the strong link between process and esthetic outcome. The variety of ways to implement a result is astounding. The musical landscapes in this document are the result of an interest in varying my processes; particularly, moving mostly away from pen and manuscript to the sequencer.;The term "exhibition" implies that consideration be given to how subsequent performances of this work are presented. I conceived these movements in the order they are presented in this document; however, just as any visual artist might base her exhibit on context, the same principle can be followed with this music. Each landscape can be selectively presented.;The scores contained in this document are labeled as such: (1) Williams Mix 2, (2) Automatic Story Telling, (3) Familiar. The tape parts are available upon request from the author.
Keywords/Search Tags:Landscapes, Tape, Document
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