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'Unified': An original screenplay

Posted on:2010-01-17Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Morgan State UniversityCandidate:Anderson, Nikita CherieFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this project is to consider the structure and methodology behind the conceptualization of the author's original screenplay, "Unified." The literature review examines a variety of sources dealing with the structure and technique of the basic screenplay. "Unified," an original script, is the coming of age story of five African American college students who start a poetry group on campus as a way of promoting black unity and of educating their peers about the issues affecting their culture. When tragedy strikes their fictitious university, the power of unity is tested, and a community endures the loss of a young student leader. Inspired by the theories of Joseph Campbell, this writer uses the twelvestage hero's journey, developed by Campbell's proponent Christopher Vogler, to chronicle the self-discovery of a young protagonist.
Keywords/Search Tags:Original
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