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'Hope Springs': Creating and writing an original 'quality television' drama (with Original writing)

Posted on:2006-08-05Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:Regent UniversityCandidate:Akers, DavidFull Text:PDF
GTID:2455390008457609Subject:Mass Communications
This culminating project sets out to create an original television drama that follows the stylistic precedents of critically acclaimed television dramas which Hill Street Blues and other ensemble dramas sparked in the eighties and exist primarily on cable today. Hope Springs attempts to extend the genre's evolution by creating a quality show that will be suitable for network airing and draw the numerous microcultures and psychographics which avoid the adult nature of many shows today.; The stylistic norms are drawn from Robert Thompson's Television's Second Golden Age and other television scholars and series. Especially noteworthy are the roles that liberal sexual mores and multiple story lines play in quality television. It is argued that "auteur" writer-producers are the best vehicle for attracting the many fragmented groups within the television audience.; Hope Springs follows a group of counselors who struggle to operate a teen recovery home from a dilapidated monastery.
Keywords/Search Tags:Television, Original
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