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Christian lesbians and their spiritual journeys

Posted on:2010-03-11Degree:M.S.WType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Speakman, Cynthia MFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the ways Christian lesbians live their lives in an authentic, uncompromising and genuine way; issues explored included: how these women process their experiences of being Christian and lesbian; how their coming out process shaped their faith journey; and how they view their relationship with God. The challenges of incorporating the dual identities of Christian and lesbian were also explored. How we as social workers may utilize these identities in a clinical practice with a client, and emphasize their strengths when offering clinical interventions were discussed. Respondents' ages ranged from 20 to 61, and all are in committed relationships.;Major themes identified include: participants view their Christian faith as a positive in their life. Participants have been able to integrate being lesbian and Christian. Most have found a supportive church environment; many have active prayer and devotional lives, attend small group Bible study or prayer groups, or have formed other Christian community support networks.
Keywords/Search Tags:Christian, Lesbian
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