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Archiostranenie: Perceptual subversion and sensual engagement in architecture

Posted on:2010-04-17Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Alward, Ryan MFull Text:PDF
This thesis is about architecture's ability to engage the individual. It is a phenomenological study of how we perceive, of our senses and our understanding of those senses. Perception, both psychological and physical, is explored through devices such as gestalt theory and the pragnanz principle, Cubism, Minimalism, and physical sensation. The study is set in the former Denning's Point Brick Works/Durisol building in Beacon, New York. The result of the investigation is ordinary experience made extraordinarily engaging by the slowing down, shifting, and subversion of reception. Perception is elevated through jolting the ordinary, through architecture made engaging and strange.
Keywords/Search Tags:Subversion
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