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Contribution de l'ethique theologique du caractere a l'accompagnement pastoral des jeunes adultes

Posted on:2011-08-12Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Butrus, Badeea NFull Text:PDF
This doctoral project aims to develop an ethical approach of accompaniment of young adults (20-35 years) in pastoral milieu. Adopting its starting point in the "praxeologic" method, it observes first a certain type of practice in pastoral accompaniment, and then reflects upon some features of young of present times, especially young Quebecers. Although looking for affirmation of their freedom, the young who punctually seek advice from a priest, are often in search of answers to their moral dilemma. It draws on American theologians and moralists, Stanley Hauerwas and Craig Dykstra in order to surpass the concern about "what to do". In effect, these principal authors of the thesis focus on the person, the realization of his self and the type of man or woman he/she wants to be. The emphasis is then put on the issue of being and not just on doing. An escalation of the importance of "doing" and "action" refers to both our post-technological society, focusing on the productivity of the individual, and a Catholic prescriptive moral. However, the ethics of character offers a path of conversion of knowing "what to do" to knowing "how to live". On theological level, it refocuses and reinterprets essential aspects of Christianity, namely stories, tradition as history, community and imagination. This is a new approach that revitalizes the ethic landscape and pastoral accompaniment style of young adults. As a Catholic priest often consulted by people in this age group (20-35 years), my thesis project seeks inspiration for a new practice of ethical and pastoral accompaniment.;Keywords: ethics, moral, character, young adults, accompaniment, practical theology, praxeology, youth adult ministry, narrative, vision, imagination, Quebec Catholicism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pastoral, Accompaniment, Adults
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