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Drowning in My Dreams: 'X/1999', the Modern Myth and the Constraints of Gender Constructs

Posted on:2011-02-10Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada)Candidate:Howlett, DannyFull Text:PDF
This thesis proposes an in-depth analysis of the Japanese animated series X/1999. It proposes that the X/1999 narrative is an example the term "modern myth" and expresses a gendered spirituality defined by both feminism and pro-feminism. It will analyze the narrative by mapping it against Joseph Campbell's structural model of monomyth. In doing so it will use the model to highlight the mythic and religious elements of the narrative, as well as demonstrate gender and universal criticisms of model itself.;Key Words: Feminism, Pro-feminism, Anime, Spirituality, Gender, Joseph Campbell, Monomyth, Japan, Motherhood...
Keywords/Search Tags:Gender
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