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An apologetic to the Neo-pagans as represented by Dr. Gus Dizerega

Posted on:2011-06-21Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Liberty UniversityCandidate:Smitherman, William T., IIFull Text:PDF
The current trend of multi-religious observance can be traced to various root sources. In particular, the advocacy of Christianity and another religious tradition is particularly strong within Neo-Pagan circles. Through historical investigation, as well as response to the writings of Dr. Gus DiZerega, a prominent Neo-Pagan proponent, these connection will be made.It will be posited that the core of modern neo-pagan belief and perhaps that of modern Celtic Christianity are found in similar traditions. This study, while not exhaustive is a beginning to a fruitful conversation between Christians and Neo-Pagans. It also provides a bridge to see that there is difference between the two.
Keywords/Search Tags:Neo-pagan
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